Where to begin.....
Paige turned six on the 1st of April. I'm not sure where the time went, but man it went fast! She's dressing herself in her signature dresses with jeans look. She enjoys wearing two different socks to school at all times and is a very good "mommy" to her American Girl doll brood she has acquired since Christmas.

Well that was all off topic huh? LOL....
Ellie is 10 months old next week, and moving around like no other. Blowing past miles stones faster then I can get them into her baby book. And all ahead of time no less. I was really praying for a late walker, I know this sounds weird but Paige walked at 9 months, and not Ellie is doing the same she took her first two unassisted steps last week....

As for Alex and I, things are pretty much same old. I'm still obsessed with Twilight and planning a few trips coming up related to them. Some concerts are coming up as well for Bobby Long I'll be driving to since as of now there's nothing scheduled here in MN for him. I've also been devouring book afer book lately and going to see more movies with the my gal pals.
Alex is trying to make the best Juicy Lucy he can (burger with the cheese inside) and made a 1lb version the other night with his buddy Dan. Those two should not be left alone for too long, they just come up with stranger and stranger things to cook!
That's all folks. Though I'm sure Nora is the only one who really reads this any more and if she is reading this - GET A FACEBOOK ACCOUNT! :0) Love you!