Tuesday, February 24, 2009

And Then There Was One.....And A Half....

Yesterday after I made it home with the second and third book of the Twilight series, I dove right in. I finished off the 2nd book, "New Moon" in 6.5 hours and promptly started in on "Eclipse", the third book.

Now I should note, I'm not trying to read fast, in fact I'm trying to drag the books out reading the third slower then normal so I don't have to be done so quickly. Though I must admit, reading quickly is simply what I do so trying to remind myself to put it in a slower gear has been hard.

I actually had to cut myself off at midnight last night, about halfway through "Eclipse" and save some more morning...that was torture! And my plan would have went through just fine, I could have finished in 3 hours the rest of the book if I suddenly didn't start to have weird heart palpitations that caused me to call the nurse to see what the heck was going on.

For the record, it wasn't the book - I was at a rather dull point in it actually and I had been sitting all day simply reading so I was over exerting myself.

I was sent in to the doc for an EKG, and to be hooked up to a Holter Monitor (see photo above)....for the second time during this pregnancy. I got to read a little bit in the waiting room, but had to put the book aside when I arrived home because Paige is back from her dads now and I no longer have full days to devote to Edward & Bella.

After dinner I will finish book 3, and stash the 4th, which I picked up on my way home from the clinic today, until this weekend possibly. I find it hard to stop reading once I start these for some reason.

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