I've mentioned this boy before in my blogs as one of the kids lacking serious manners and social skills in her class, and lucky for us he's diverted his crazy attitude towards Paige. Instead of now just being randomly annoying to many of the kids in class, he focuses on my daughter and waits until the teacher is out of the room at the end of the day when she steps out to give us an update of the days events. Everyday, when the teacher is done it takes Paige 15 minutes to simply walk out of the room. In frustration I usually go in looking to find her, finding that she's getting smacked in the back side with the kids winter boot, backed into a corner looking terrified at how overly hyper he is, or standing helpless while he steals her coat and whips her with it.
It takes me to shoo the kid off of her, then she feels like she's done something wrong for the rest of the day because she got him in trouble, and he goes right back to this behavior.
I'd love for the teacher to do something, but suddenly when the topic comes up all she says is that they are flirting and playing. So finally I went off a little on her, explaining that "playing" requires more the one participant, not a child picking on another. Not to mention when this kid walks into school Paige curls up under my arm and stays away from him. Her only option was to take out the days activities run down for the parents, which now makes me look like the bad guy, and lets the little brat continue on with his terrible behavior all through his school career.

Schools wonder why kids act why they do, and why kids who get bullied don't come forward..because teachers don't care to take care of their students and parents don't spend enough time teaching their kids right from wrong. The kicker of all this is IT CATHOLIC SCHOOL - wouldn't you think that they would pay a little bit more attention to the kids? I guess now-a-days the only difference between a private school and public, is that we'll be paying for my daughter to be bullied and ignored...
would pepper spray be illegal?
Poor Paige :( This makes me sad. I am so afraid of when my kiddos are in school because of this reason. I'm afraid I might take out the kid myself!
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